Tips in Maintaining your Caravan Air-Conditioner Unit in 2022

Phillip Rigby

Phillip Rigby

Air Conditioner expert and outdoors man.

Last updated July 16, 2022

An caravan air conditioner should last between 4-8 years. However, with proper care and maintenance, the life expectancy of an caravan AV can last longer.

How you maintain your machine or electronic device will determine its lifespan. Here are five simple ways to keep your AC unit in top shape before it is too late.

  1. Open your roof vent when your AC is off to let the moisture escape.
  2. Keep the fan oily. This will make your AC unit’s fan work more efficiently.
  3. Cover your caravan’s AC unit when it isn’t in use or off-season. It would be a great idea to invest in a high-quality cover. It will protect your AC unit against rain, snow, UV rays, and other debris.
  4. Make sure to clean your AC’s filter. It all depends on how frequently you use it. Make sure to clean the air filter at least once a month.
  5. Your AC should not be overworked. To make it work less hard, set the temperature to 24 degrees. It should only be run when it is absolutely necessary, not constantly.