Why install a reverse cycle caravan air conditioner in 2022

Phillip Rigby

Phillip Rigby

Air Conditioner expert and outdoors man.

Last updated July 16, 2022

Reverse cycle air conditioners are the most efficient when it comes to caravan air conditioning. These units can be used for caravanning purposes as they have both cooling and heating options. Reverse cycle air conditioners are great because they use far less heat energy than they produce power. While this may seem counterintuitive to the laws, there is a solid explanation.

This guide will explain how caravan air conditioners work, and how to choose the right unit for your needs.

Selecting the right caravan unit

Many caravan air conditioners do not achieve the high efficiency we seek. The efficiency of an air conditioner is the ratio between its heating/cooling energy and its power draw. These products are labeled Energy Star in Australia. This labels shows the cooling/heating output as well as power input in kilowatts. A unit with more stars is more efficient when fully operational.

While caravan A/C units rarely reach 3 stars, the most efficient domestic reverse cycle air conditioners are capable of reaching this level of efficiency. Daiken’s 2.5kW US7 air conditioner is an example. It has 2.5 kW cooling and 3.6kW heating, with energy draw of 0.42kW and 0.62kW. This unit is very expensive, but it will provide you with the best performance of any reverse cycle ACs on the market.

Make sure that you are purchasing the best reverse cycle air conditioners you can afford. The Energy Rating can be correlated with the price of the unit. This means that units at the top end are the most efficient.

How does a reverse cycle air conditioner work?

Air conditioners aren’t like refrigerators in that they don’t cool the air directly. They draw warm air from the caravan’s interior. Because they act as double heaters, reverse cycle air conditioners are great for caravans. Although they don’t heat air like a gas heater, they do capture heat energy from the outside and then transfer it to where you need it. Reverse cycle units can provide warm air even in very cold temperatures.

The unit draws twice as much heat energy as it actually produces. Some units can even provide four times the heat energy as traditional gas heaters.

Solar energy can power a caravan’s air conditioner

Caravan A/Cs are the most energy-hungry appliances in a caravan. This is one of their main problems. The good news is that your reverse cycle unit can be powered by solar energy. You can power your caravan’s air conditioner with 750 watts of solar panels. Nighttime use is more difficult as it requires twice the power and batteries that can hold 800-100 amp.

An inverter/generator can be used as an alternative source of energy for caravan air conditioning. Japanese brands such as Yamaha and Honda make great generators that can fully run the system without any problems. They can charge your batteries with a 230-volt charger or power your air conditioner.

Because they are quiet and last a lifetime, petrol-powered generators are the best choice for caravanners. However, the downside to this is the high cost. The investment is worth it, especially if you intend to caravan during the summer heat.

A typical caravan battery bank can be charged by a petrol generator in as little as an hour each morning and evening. Diesel generators can also be water-cooled to provide semi-free hot running water.

Fuel cell technology will become a silent and more economical backup to solar energy in the future. Solar is more attractive because it is easy to harness and readily available.

Video: Reverse Cycle Caravan Air Conditioner